Perinatal Quality Improvement Team - Ultimate Performance Quality Improvement Training Modules


A series of 8 online self-paced modules designed to help bring teams up to speed on basic principles of quality improvement work.  Topics covered include Assembling the Team, Patients and Families as Partners, Communicating the Work, Understanding the Problem, PDSAs, Data Collection, Understanding the Data, and Sustaining the Gains. 

Although initially these modules will only be available for teams who will be participating in the next round of initiatives, we anticipate (after feedback and further testing from our teams) making these modules available to any interested team. If you'd like to be updated when that happens use the 'Contact' link on the home page to let us know.

If you are currently participating in one of our intiatives and need to complete the module to meet facility team prerequisites click here.

1) Once your registration is processed you will receive 2 emails from the Sakai site where the course is located.  Clicking on the 'long' link you get in the emails will take you here:

Join Sakai

where you can create your account

2) After you create your account and log in you will be in your 'workspace' where you can access the course(s) you are intending to participate in - in this case PQCNC


3) You may also be presented with a tutorial - do take the opportunity to click through the tutorial to help familiarize yourself with the site


4) Clicking on 'PQCNC' (see #2 above) will take you to the PQIT-UP main page

PQIT-UP site

5) Clicking on 'Modules' on the left-hand menu will display the list of modules and you can begin

module home

6) Module navigation avaiable at the top

module view

7) When you have completed an module you may click on "Test & Quizzes" to complete an assessment of what you've learned.

Tests & Quizzes

8) Completing all the asesssments is required for completion of the course....