Request for Proposals PQCNC Initiatives 2024

1 year 10 months ago

It's time for PQCNC to consider initiatives for launch in January of 2024.

Yes, we are busily engaged in developing clOUDi 3.0 for January 2023 launch but initiative identification, and development, as you know, takes time and careful consideration from you the PQCNC members.

You all, in your variety of stakeholder positions in the delivery and reception of perinatal care, are the ones who have always provided the greatest insights into the opportunities we have to advance mom-baby care here in North Carolina. And it is your enthusiasm and willingness to lead that work locally and statewide which makes it successful.


What areas of perinatal care need attention and offer the greatest opportunities for improvement? In thinking about this consider large scale impact, the potential to pull together all newborn providers, or all maternal providers, or maternal and newborn providers in a project which allows partnership with patients and families as we seek to make North Carolina the best place to give birth and be born.

Consider the continuum of perinatal care. We are currently working in maternity clinics in clOUDi 2.0 and while it is a work in progress, we seek to continue evolving this pre and postnatal presence.

This is not a request for a white paper or detailed discussion of what your project might look like. We simply ask for a paragraph or two that addresses the key intervention opportunity and the impact it will have.

Submit your proposal

We will present these initiative proposals at our Annual Meeting on September 29th in Raleigh - mark your calendar, registration here!

We eagerly anticipate your input, guidance and course direction here as we continue to navigate the challenging waters of perinatal care in North Carolina! Please use the button below to submit proposals to ….

Thank you for your commitment and dedication!