Central Carolina Hospital

Central Carolina Hospital’s newly expanded birthing center consists of 5 private and spacious labor and delivery suites.  The Labor and Delivery Unit provides management of premature labor, fetal surveillance and delivery of term infants. This unit maintains an outreach relationship with UNC Hospital to advise and facilitate the transfer of premature labor patients and other high risk OB’s.  The mother/baby "room in" service allows mothers to be with, and care for, their newborn for as many daytime hours as they may wish during the in-hospital stay.  Babies may also spend time in the nursery where there are systems in place to help keep the baby safe and securely monitored.  The Level Two nursery provides care to well neonates and also those who require supportive care. Those infants who require intubation and ventilation are stabilized with the proper equipment and then transferred to a tertiary care facility. The nursery is equipped with Isolettes to care for stable premature infants who require time to grow, and bilights for the infant with hyperbilirubinemia.  Learn more.