
Walker Pruett weighed just 1lb 3oz when he was born prematurely on April 25 2014. Born at 26 weeks by emergency Caesarean, Walker was so fragile that his mother couldn't hold him for the first five days of his life. The photos show Walker's incredible transformation from a baby so small he could wear his father's wedding ring as an arm band, to a 5lb three-month-old who is now at home with his mum and dad.


Critical Congenital Hearth Disease (CCHD) - On the importance of pulse oximetry screening…

"Gretta" from Keith Cochran on Vimeo.

Critical Congenital Hearth Disease (CCHD) - On the importance of pulse oximetry screening…

"Ethan" from Keith Cochran on Vimeo.

How do you explain when things don’t go as we assume? Or better, how do you explain when others are able to achieve things that seem to defy all of the assumptions? For example: Why is Apple so innovative? Year after year, after year, after year, they’re more innovative than all their competition. And yet, they’re just a computer company. They’re just like everyone else. They have the same access to the same talent, the same agencies, the same consultants, the same media. Then why is it that they seem to have something different? Why is it that Martin Luther King led the Civil Rights Movement? He wasn’t the only man who suffered in a pre-civil rights America, and he certainly wasn’t the only great orator of the day. Why him? And why is it that the Wright brothers were able to figure out controlled, powered man flight when there were certainly other teams who were better qualified, better funded … and they didn’t achieve powered man flight, and the Wright brothers beat them to it. There’s something else at play here.

Having a newborn in the NICU is very intimidating and isolating.  Rex Moms who have weathered having a child in the NICU share their experiences, from one mom to another.
