minutes from the kick-off call

This team has decided to focus on the family education  component, and try to adapt the March of Dimes Close to Me (CTM) parent education from a NICU audience to a nursery audience. Most agreed a 5 – 7 minute DVD that could be made available to parents at prenatal visits, while in L & D, or from the hospital website would be optimal, but it appears to be cost-prohibitive.

We divided the group into subcommittees:

1.    Content: send all skin-to-skin (S2S) materials, resources, parent education, policy/protocol, safety education, bibliography & articles (specific to the nursery population) to Mission
2.    Photographs: send all photos to Keith. Keith will post onto the website. Looking for image-diversity: racial, age, gender. A diverse setting is also good: some close ups of mom/dad and baby, but also some images where siblings are in the background, or grandparents are nearby.
3.    Testimonials: send family quotes to Dana Sandford

Key thoughts:

•    There needs to be an increased focus on the connection between S2S and breastfeeding – evidenced through pictures and research
•    Content material needs to include the immediate post-partum S2S opportunities for dad
•    The emphasis is on breast feeding, but not to exclude or alienate the bottle feeding parent

Action steps:

•    Laura Miller will look into grant money that may be possible through the March of Dimes, North Carolina chapter.
•    Greta has a grant proposal in the works currently, and will see if any of that funding could be directed toward this project.
•    Laura will give an update at the 7/27 Well baby Webinar