Preeclampsia is a leading cause of iatrogenic preterm birth. In the past, severe preeclampsia was treated by timely delivery. Current data suggest improved perinatal outcomes with expectant management of severe preeclampsia and Patients with mild preeclampsia should be managed expectantly until ≥ 37 weeks.
Conservative Management of Preeclampsia
August 28, 2017 - CMOP PQITs collected data through April 2017 demonstrating an increase in time to treatment and control over the course of Phase III of the CMOP initiative from 67% to 78%. CMOP teams paused data collection for Read more...
June 7, 2017 - As part of the May CMOP Learning Session, a presentation was provided by one of the PQITs on how they were able to partner with staff from the Emergency Department to improve postpartum OB care for patients who present to the Read more...
Charter, Action Plan, beginning data collection - see the teams below...