C-MOP Underway! - August 2013

PQCNC is proud to announce our next Maternal Initiative-Conservative Management of Preeclampsia or CMOP.  Preeclampsia is a leading cause of iatrogenic preterm birth. In the past, severe preeclampsia was treated by timely delivery. Current data suggest improved perinatal outcomes with expectant management of severe preeclampsia and Patients with mild preeclampsia should be managed expectantly until ≥ 37 weeks.


PQCNC is seeking individuals and hospital teams that are interested in working on the expert team to develop the action plan that will be implemented during the initiative. Please use the 'Contact' link if you are interested in becoming a member of the expert team.

 If your team is interested in joining this initiative please complete the intent form (located under resources to the right) by September 13th.