"39 weeks" has launched!

35 hospitals have joined the collaborative and are busy completing their "lookback" data collection during the month of August.  Each hospital will abstract data from 25 scheduled c-sections and 25 inductions done at gestational ages between 36-38 weeks.  Reports based on this data will be prepared for each hospital in time for the September learning sessions, and all hospitals in the collaborative will be able to look at all of the data from across the state, blinded to the names of the individual hospitals.   The August 3 webinar reviewed data collection methods and the definition for each variable being studied, to ensure uniformity of the data across hospitals.

The 35 teams participating in the collaborative represent a diversity of hospitals, from small rural hospitals to large academic medical centers, and from hospitals that have been working independently to eliminate elective deliveries before 39 weeks for years to those that are just beginning to look at this issue.  Team members include nurse managers, chiefs of OB departments, community obstetricians, maternal-fetal medicine specialists, staff nurses, nurse educators, performance improvement managers, chief nursing officers, chief operating officers, risk managers, and patient care coordinators.