NAS: One Mother's Journey

9 years 10 months ago

We have all been intently engaged in dealing with the challenges of NAS. As a neonatologist I reflexively bring lots of preconceived notions to the care of such infants. As we have developed this project over the last year, and I have spent more time with mothers of these infants, my view of the NAS world has changed. No doubt clinically trying to standardize communication, diagnosis, assessment, treatment and discharge planning for newborns at our facilities is an enormous task. However, we have allies in this effort that I am guilty of underestimating, or dismissing, in the past. These are the mothers, parents, and families of NAS infants. Most of these families are in difficult situations which we cannot begin to appreciate. Some have made bad decisions…yes…and there but for the grace of God go I…but many, if not most, truly want the best for their baby. If we are willing to dismiss our prejudices, listen to these parents, and truly attempt to partner with them in the care of their child, I believe we can dramatically improve the care we deliver NAS infants. Listen to one mother tell her courageous story. She is asking us as providers to give mothers and fathers the opportunity to partner in their child’s care. Show me how to console my child, let me hold my baby skin to skin, offer me the opportunity to breastfeed my child.  Support me in the journey to becoming a mother and building my family.


- Marty McCaffrey

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: One Mother's Journey from Keith Cochran on Vimeo.