ASNS Webinars


MIC and Other Acronyms: Relationship to Antibiotic Efficacy

Kevin Watt, MD PhD, of Duke University discusses minimum inhibitory concerntration and other acronyms and their relationship to antibiotic efficacy



Early Onset Sepsis in term and late preterm infants: implementing a novel set of tools to improve care - 

Dr. Carl Seashore discusses early onset sepsis in term and late preterm infants and implementing a novel set of tools, including the Kaiser calculator to improve care.


Kaiser Calculator Demo - 

Dr. Carl Seashore discusses in detail how to navigate the Kaiser sepsis risk tool by walking us thru several clinical situations.  Highlighting how changes in maternal indications and newborn presentation impact the treatment recommendations formulated by the calculator, this quick, informative tutorial is for all staff interested in understanding its application in practice.



Effective Handoffs - Talking about antibiotics in a meaningful way

Communication in healthcare is a learned task that comes with a professional responsibility to do so safely.  It is a technique and not something everyone does well.   Watch this quick 12-minute video outlining specific examples of how to effectively handoff patient information regarding antibiotic prescribing in the clinical setting between providers, nurses and families.



Anitbiotic Time Out (and more!)

- Dr. Marty McCaffrey discusses antibiotic timeouts




Antibioigrams- What’s that?

- Dr. Zachary Inskeep-Willis, Infectious Disease specialist, will be educating us on what an antibiogram is, what information can we glean from them and who even looks at them.



Blood Cultures!

- Review of proper technique for blood culture collection 

- Explain process of blood culture identification





Setting the Stage for Family Engagement in ASNS

- Discuss parent education material on common antibiotics and how to incorporate families into ASNS work.