Family Advisor Training

PQCNC is pleased to announce that we will be offering educational opportunities for patients and family members serving as advisors or in other partnership roles within your organization.

These courses are designed to provide patients and family members with the education, tools and strategies necessary to be effective partners in improving the quality, safety and experience of healthcare. While you can choose to bring any single course to your facility, completion of the full set of four courses provides the most comprehensive knowledge base possible and allows participants to complete a Capstone Project, resulting in a Certificate in Patient Family Leadership. The Capstone Project requires participation in a 1-hour webinar, development and implementation of a Small Test of Change to be carried out in your organization as part of a PQCNC project, and presentation of results at a PQCNC learning session.

To bring the course or courses to your facility or for questions regarding the courses or certificate, please contact Tara Bristol Rouse .


CPFL Courses…

Being a Patient/Family Partner -
Patient and family partners will learn about the national landscape of patient- and family-centered care, with a focus on opportunities and roles for patient and family advisors in the design and improvement of healthcare.  

Using Your Perspective to Identify Opportunities in Care -
Patient and family partners will have the opportunity to share their healthcare experiences for the purpose of identifying best practices and opportunities for improvement. 

Participating in Improvement Committees -
Patient and family partners will become familiar with the language of quality improvement and learn strategies for becoming a meaningful partner on improvement teams. 

Developing and Reviewing Educational Materials -
Patient and family partners will gain understanding of the steps involved in developing educational materials and things to look for to promote optimal usability. 

Capstone Project (webinar)
During this webinar, patient and family partners who have completed all four Patient and Family Leadership Courses will receive an introduction to and instructions for completing the Capstone Project, a requirement for receiving the Certificate in Patient Family Leadership.