The work has changed...

You may have noticed that there haven’t been many updates in the Patient/Family section of the PQCNC website - but that isn’t because we haven’t been busy! We are happy to report that the bulk of the Patient Family Partnership work has been embedded directly into our clinical initiatives… Meaning that patients and family members are working as part of their hospital’s Perinatal Quality Improvement Teams on safety and quality issues, rather than doing separate work. Check out our individual initiatives to learn more about those efforts. 

We do, however, want to take this opportunity to let you know about a resource that we are expanding beyond individual initiatives… Our Patient and Family Leadership Program. This program includes localized educational opportunities for patients and family members serving as advisors or in other partnership roles within healthcare organizations. Check out the Resources section of this page and the document, “PQCNC Patient and Family Leadership Program Description,” for more information. We look forward to connecting with you through this program!