Request for Proposals PQCNC Initiatives 2020

6 years 4 weeks ago

Wow...we are just now convening the Expert Teams for Newborn Hypoglycemia and Safely Reducing Primary Cesarean Section Rates but it is already that time! 

We identify next projects a year before we convene an Expert Team. This gives us time to begin assembling key resources and recruiting the best of the best from across North Carolina to develop the Action Plan that will propel hospital teams to reach new heights of excellence. That means we need to be discussing initiative options 18 months in advance! 

We need your proposals for new PQCNC Maternal and Newborn initiatives. Old hands know the drill. For those new to PQCNC, PQCNC projects and initiatives come from the PQCNC membership. That is all of you stakeholders out there who make the magic happen. Whether you are a nurse, family member, parent, doc, work at DMA or DPH or BCBSNC, are a hospital executive, call NCHA home, or support perinatal medical care and medical providers through your business, we know you have thought about interventions that would make a great PQCNC project. We want you to send us those ideas. We need those ideas if we are to continue our mission to make North Carolina the best place to give birth and be born.

Use this link to submit your idea for such a new initiative and include a short paragraph with your reasoning for your suggestion. The PQCNC Core Team will review all nominations and organize them for presentation at the PQCNC Annual Meeting on September 12th at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh. At that time a project will be voted on and selected by you...the PQCNC membership. (You can register to attend the meeting and ensure that your voice, and the voice of your organization, is heard here.)


Ideas.  Bring'em.