3..2..1.. Kickoff!

The kickoff meeting for the upcoming AIM Reducing Primary Cesarean Section initiative is scheduled for January 24, 2019.  If you haven’t registered your team for the initiative yet, please consider joining us as we work to improve maternal outcomes by safely decreasing the number of nulliparous, term, singleton, vertex (NTSV) cesarean section deliveries performed in North Carolina.  Facilities of all sizes that have been able to sustain a low NTSV cesarean delivery rate will be sharing processes and workflows that have enabled their success.  Teams will be able to prioritize a number of interventions to implement as they work towards the statewide goal of a 20% NTSV cesarean section delivery rate.  Come join us in making deliveries safer for the women and infants across North Carolina.

If you’d like to join us in our work, please register your team here.

If you’d like to attend the kickoff meeting, please register here.