Submitted by kmcochran on

It is with great regret that PQCNC announces the departure of a warrior in the quest to make North Carolina the best place to give birth and be born. Dr. Arthur Ollendorff, a man of many talents, has accepted a position with a healthcare system in Virginia and will be relocating to Roanoke. Arthur has selflessly offered the state of North Carolina his services through PQCNC for eight years! Arthur has superbly led PQCNC maternal projects. He has brought an amazing combination of common sense, absolute commitment to the welfare of moms and babies, concern for clinics and hospitals of all shapes and sizes across the state, a policy mind, a keen data eye, a dry wit which will be sorely missed, and superb clinical acumen to the PQCNC fellowship. Arthur was ready at a moment’s notice to travel to learn from and support facilities, or do a web meeting, as long as he wasn’t on Labor and Delivery service. Words cannot express how dearly he will be missed, what a loss this is for North Carolina, what a gain it is for Virginia and how happy we as a PQCNC family are that Arthur has found a dream job. We wish him fair winds and following seas as the Ollendorff odyssey continues!
Back to PQCNC though. We now begin our quest for a maternal projects leader with a heart for quality improvement, a passion for improving maternal care everywhere, a willingness to learn and broadcast from community environments that have figured out things that those of us in bigger centers have struggled with, the fortitude to venture into provider forums where there may be reluctance to adopt a best practice, and an understanding that perinatal care only improves when we properly balance evidence based practice with patient and family partnerships and the desire to optimize available resources. The maternal projects leader is PQCNC’s guide for the selection, development and execution of maternal quality initiatives.
There is no expectation that this would be anyone’s full time job and PQCNC sub-contracts this position as a 0.2 FTE. So while not a full time position it is not a volunteer position either.
If you are an obstetrician and such an opportunity interests you, please contact us. We may already know you. You may have already worked on PQCNC initiatives. You may be hearing about PQCNC for the first time. We will be considering candidates for this position over the coming month. Arthur has graciously offered his assistance in transition into September, and perhaps beyond as needed.
We look forward to hearing from you or colleagues. Spread the word!