Help Choose the PQCNC 2023 Initiative

3 years 4 months ago

We held our PQCNC Annual Meeting last Wednesday at the McKimmon Center. We heard from awesome speakers and proceeded to review ten proposed initiatives for next PQCNC projects. The presentations were wide ranging, outstanding and prompted incredible discussion. We conducted dot voting to prioritize these projects. and will continue to receive input with online project review from PQCNC members over the next 2 weeks. 

So, now it's your turn.

PQCNC success is rooted in the belief that our stakeholders know best how to accomplish this mission.  You were right about CLABSI, 39 weeks, SIVB and Primary Cesarean Sections, Maternal Milk in the NICU and Mother-baby Units, NAS and Preeclampsia, OBH, Antibiotic Stewardship, and clOUDi. 

Below you will find the presentations submitted for consideration.  Review them and then follow the link here or at the end of the page to indicate which of these projects you would be interested in working on and help us move closer to determining the next PQCNC Initiative -  thanks to all of you for the incredible work you all have done on these many PQCNC projects over the years!


PQCNC 2023 Enhancing Perinatal Mental Health by kcochran on Scribd


PQCNC 2023 Improving the Use of Mother’s Milk at Discharge by kcochran on Scribd


PQCNC 2023 Maternal Toxin Exposure by kcochran on Scribd


PQCNC 2023 Nutrition in Pregnancy by kcochran on Scribd


PQCNC 2023 Recreational Toxins by kcochran on Scribd


PQCNC 2023 Safe Sleep by kcochran on Scribd


PQCNC 2023 Standardizing the Care of Late-Preterm Infants by kcochran on Scribd


PQCNC 2023 Supporting the Diagnosis and Treatment of Severe HTN by kcochran on Scribd

PQCNC 2023 ClOUDi Continuation 2.0 by kcochran on Scribd


PQCNC 2023 Implementing Cardiac Bundle in NC by kcochran on Scribd

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