Submitted by kmcochran on

After months of work and multiple virtual meetings by our Sepsis in Obstetric Care Expert Team, we are proud to announce that work is complete (AIM/Mission statement, action plan, key driver diagram, metrics and prework) and we are prepared for launch of our Sepsis in Obstetric Care Initiative in January at our January Kickoff.
What is needed now is you and your hospital and a commitment to address the challenge that is infection in obstetric care.
Maternal death due to sepsis is fortunately relatively low, but it is reported as 11.7% of maternal mortality cases in North Carolina, and it should be lower.
This is our chance!
Please consider and discuss with your perinatal and hospital leaders the opportunity you have to reduce maternal deaths and morbidity from sepsis in your hospital. Join us on this path as we continue the mission to make North Carolina the best place to give birth and be born!