Care of the Late Preterm Infant now enrolling teams...

10 months 2 weeks ago

In January 2024, PQCNC will be kicking off an initiative to improve the care and outcomes for the late preterm infant population.  In 2022, North Carolina saw over 7,500 infants born between 35-36 weeks gestation.  This initiative will provide an opportunity to ensure you have an evidence based care pathway for this population as we collectively work to reduce readmissions of these infants.

Over the last few months, the expert team has worked to develop the charter, action plan/driver diagram  and data collection elements for this initiative.  Please take a moment to review these items as you discuss the opportunity to improve care for these infants.

This is all hands on deck!  Every delivery hospital in North Carolina cares for late preterm infants and now is the chance to improve the care that is provided.

Please consider joining us on our journey…..

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