
December 15, 2018

Hypoglycemia is one of the most frequently encountered problems in the first 48 hours of life and low glucose concentrations are perhaps the most common biochemical abnormality seen by providers caring for newborns. Unfortunately, the optimal strategy for managing this problem remains elusive.  Now is the time to join the state in standardizing care for hypoglycemia of the newborn.

To date, there are over 60 teams who are registered for the kickoff meeting on January 24, 2019 in Raleigh.  Are you one of them?  If not, now is the time to engage.

A day of collaboration with teams across North Carolina and a talk by a national expert in the field, is not something to miss.  Dr. David Adamkin, author of the statement on Neonatal Hypoglycemia for the American Academy of Pediatrics, will discuss the brewing topic of “Neonatal Hypoglycemia, Making Sense of Different Opinions” to kickoff PQCNC’s Newborn Hypoglycemia Prevention and Care initiative. 

Register here to engage.

November 19, 2018

The first step in getting to where you want to go is knowing where you are.

*Is there a nurse driven standardized algorithm to guide clinical management of asymptomatic newborns at-risk for hypoglycemia at your facility?

*Current approach to management of the asymptomatic at-risk hypoglycemic newborn aligns with:

AAP guidelines

Pediatric Endocrine Society guidelines

Locally derived management protocol

*Is there an IV weaning protocol in your unit for infants who receive continuous IV therapy solely for the treatment of hypoglycemia?

These questions and more are serving as the basis for an intensive review of the current 'state' of care for hypoglycemia.  Comparing that state with identified best practices is part of the baseline work teams are undertaking to identify possible areas of improvement and prepare for the work ahead. 

October 18, 2018

There are less than 100 days before the January 24, 2019 kickoff meeting where teams will develop their plan for success.  If you are excited to collaborate, enthusiastic to share resources, and eager to engage in a project aimed at improving outcomes for newborns while keeping the mom and baby together then click here and register your team to begin preparations and commence PQCNC support!

October 3, 2018

The Newborn Hypoglycemia Prevention and Care expert team decided developing a statewide hypoglycemia protocol to manage the at-risk newborn should be a goal of this project.  Utilizing evidenced-based practice and tapping into the expert knowledge of our providers across the state is how we plan to accomplish this.  

If your unit currently has a hypoglycemia protocol or algorithm that guides clinical practice, please consider sharing it with PQCNC.  Your unit practices will help develop a statewide clinical algorithm to help standardize care for newborns in North Carolina.  Submit your algorithm here

August 20, 2018

If you are a hospital interested in improving your process of identifying and treating symptomatic and at-risk newborns for hypoglycemia within the first 48 hours of life, now is the time to join the effort.  Go here, download the guide, and get started - once your team is registered, the PQCNC leadership team will support you over the next few months to ensure your team is prepared for success prior to kickoff.

July 25, 2018

The dedicated NHPC expert team has successfully completed the essential documents that will guide teams toward identifying and treating symptomatic newborns with signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia and asymptomatic newborns at-risk for hypoglycemia within the first 48 hours of life.  The strength of this project lies in the primary goals all teams will aim to achieve: keeping the mother and infant dyad together, supporting breastfeeding and ensuring 100% of participating hospitals develop guiding protocols in their NICUs and newborn nurseries.

 To join the efforts and improve the care of newborns in your facility click HERE

June 28, 2018

The NHPC expert team has made great progress in creating the goals and interventions that will drive the work teams do to consistently manage symptomatic and asymptomatic newborns at-risk for hypoglycemia.  The team focused their efforts this month on how to successfully measure improvement for higher acuity units caring for the hypoglycemic infant.  The creation of an IV dextrose weaning protocol that would guide clinical care and potentially decrease length of stay was one aspiration the team deems achievable.  Building capacity between higher acuity units and normal newborn nurseries is the intention of the expert team as they define the work to drive a successful plan.

May 22, 2018

The newborn hypoglycemia prevention and care panel of experts continued to have a highly engaged discussion last week as we completed our second team call focused on the goals and outcomes of the charter.  The possibly of creating a statewide protocol to manage the at-risk hypoglycemic newborn was a high point of the discussion with 87% of the experts in favor of creating this resource collaboratively.  Calls will continue as our multidisciplinary team of experts discuss optimal parameters and data points that will capture the work in a meaningful way and guide clinical practice change. 

April 11, 2018

Experts from across the United States joined the first team call to begin the process of developing our new NHPC initiative (Newborn Hypoglycemia Prevention and Care).  The multidisciplinary expert group consists of physicians, nurses, lactation specialists, and IT specialists from North Carolina as well as experts from Milwaukee, Tennessee, Oregon, New Jersey, Illinois, Alabama, New Hampshire, New York and New England.  The team discussed the need to formulate a plan of care for the hypoglycemic patient and family, navigate the various guidelines that currently exist to identify, treat and manage newborns at-risk for hypoglycemia, and begin the process of developing the charter with focused outcomes.  

January 11, 2018

PQCNC is recruiting for the Hypoglycemia Expert Team. In ASNS 58 of you statewide (Parents, Pharmacists, Nurses, Practitioners, Docs, Hospital Leaders, DPH folks, Infection Control Specialists) joined to design the aim statement, action plan, and key data elements to be deployed in ASNS. We hope 100 folks will step up to help craft Hypoglycemia! 

What’s required? An interest, a willingness to read some basic background evidence, and commitment to try and attend webinars and share your feedback and suggestions either on webinars or via email.  

The success of any PQCNC initiative starts with the commitment of an Expert Team that owns the challenge, feels its urgency and relentlessly develops an aim statement, action plan and measures that will lead hospitals to change practice. Be part of the solution. Click here to join the PQCNC Hypoglycemia Expert Team. (This is gonna be fun.)
