


Patient Experience:


Carolinas HealthCare System Blue Ridge has started a family-centered approach to treating opiod-addicted babies called Eat, Sleep, Console (ESC).
This model uses the best care options for baby by giving the family ways they can help their baby.
The family share their story of how they found compassion and understanding at Blue Ridge.




(The following two videos include detailed information about NAS and appropriate care of and intervention for the infant and family, including developmental and child health outcomes, screening, non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic treatment, evidence-based treatment for women with opioid addiction, and strategies for working with families challenged by addiction.)




Eat Sleep & Console:




Understanding Addiction:
















We are looking forward to the creation, development and then execution of our next project, a combined effort that will focus on Maternal Substance Use and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. This initiative will for the first time engage PQCNC in work that requires specified activities in the pre and post-partum periods. Similarly we will be planning interventions to support the care of newborns born to mothers living with substance use disorder.

Meetings for the Expert Team that will develop the AIM statement, key driver diagram and metrics for this project will begin in January 2020. Launch for this initiative will be January 2021. If you have experience, knowledge, expertise or interest in supporting the creation of such an initiative, please join us. We are calling on mothers, fathers, family members, docs, nurses, therapists, social workers, counselors, hospital and clinic leaders, addiction specialists, midwives, practitioners, public health officials, government leaders, and payers/purchasers of healthcare to consider joining us.

The only requirement for "Expert" is a willingness to read background materials we supply and commitment to joining us for perhaps one face to face meeting and 4 webinars over 6-8 months.

This is an initiative that is critically needed. We have all been touched in different ways by this growing crisis. Please join us in developing an initiative that will allow us to address how we make North Carolina the best place to give birth and be born for families living with maternal substance use disorder.

To join the Expert Team please click here

We need to collectively:

  • determine the scope of this project
  • create a charter for all teams to utilize
  • decide on goals for the project
  • discuss what data we will be collecting
  • discuss what reports we will be using
  • draft an action plan for all teams to use to forge ahead across the state
  • meet each other face to face to and talk about the amazing work we are doing!

We will be convening a webinar over the next month to talk further about whether clOUDi should assume hospitals might use Finnegan or ESC, or whether clOUDi should recommend that hospitals use ESC. Please register and join the conversation - your voices needed.

clOUDi Expert Team Webinar #8 - Eat Sleep & Console and more!
Wednesday, June 17th @ 12:00 PM - register here

clOUDi Expert Team Webinar #9 - Topic TBA / if needed
Wednesday, July 1 @ 12:00 PM - register here

clOUDi Expert Team Webinar #10 - Topic TBA / if needed
Wednesday, July 15th @12:00 PM - register here

There is a final face to face meeting scheduled to discuss any outstanding issues and prepare for the launch of the initiative.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at McKimmon Center, Raleigh NC - register here



Wednesday, January 8 at 1200

Wednesday, January 22 at 1200


Wednesday, February 5


Wednesday, February 19



Wednesday, February 19



Wednesday, March 18 at 1200

Wednesday, April 1 at 12oo



(send all feedback to [email protected])

Dear Expert Team,

Your dedication and commitment has been indescribable in offering your expertise as we have worked to develop an action plan and feasible measures to transform the care we deliver moms and babies dealing with the challenges of Opioid Use Disorder. I know well thanks are not necessary, you are following your servant's hearts, but thank you anyway.

We are planning one final clOUDi Expert Team gathering prior to our launch in January. We will be holding a virtual meeting on September 8th from 12-2. This meeting is intended to be a wrap up session and celebration, but I would also like to have a more detailed conversation about how we partner with prenatal community care providers throughout North Carolina. We had decided that in this first year a reasonable goal is to collaborate with hopefully several large pilot outpatient groups in examining how well we screen all mothers prenatally for OUD, how we might gather this information and based on our results develop methods to screen and intervene  more effectively.

Click here to register for this meeting

To that end, several Expert members had suggested that their clinics or provider groups might be interested in participating in this pilot community assessment. Now is the time to carry out such a discussion with your teams in earnest and get formal notice of interest to us at PQCNC.

Provider Group or Clinic interested in participating - let us know!

For those of you with hospital relationships, we are open to accepting letters of intent from facilities. Start talking this up and get your teams to PQCNC to get registered for clOUDi! 

Click here to register for the PQCNC clOUDi Initiative

January may seem a ways away during the dog days of Covid summer, but it will be here in a flash. We need you beating the bushes for community and hospital teams!

We can make North Carolina the best place to give birth and be born!

Let's do this!  

- Marty McCaffrey 


